BCI: Better Cotton
BCI: Better Cotton
Better farming, better cotton
We at Vallila are committed to improve cotton farming around the world together with Better Cotton Initiative (BCI).
We are a member of Better Cotton Initiative since 2018 and support responsible cotton sourcing through our actions and products.
The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) was founded in 2005 to improve cotton farming practices and production globally by finding more sustainable solutions for farmers, the environment, and the future of the cotton industry. The Better Cotton Standard is being implemented in 24 countries and aims to save the environment from exploitation by training farmers on lighter farming methods which reduce use of the most harmful chemicals and water.
The Better Cotton Initiative exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in, and better for the sector’s future. Read more about BCI here!
Better Cotton is sourced via a system of Mass Balance and not physically traceable to end products. See bettercotton.org/massbalance for details.
Vallila is committed to sourcing 50 % of our cotton as Better Cotton by 2020. By choosing a Vallila cotton product, you’re supporting responsible cotton production through the Better Cotton Initiative/BCI.